Sunday, September 15, 2013

Videotape - Lake Jackson

So things are moving slow lately, all of my collaborators are out of state or tied up, so I decided to write up a post about this little number I wiggled my way through a month or so ago.

This song is a really complex song. On the surface, well, It's a downer. Really haunting melody and lyrics.
But I've always admired the message between the lines. A soul on it's way out of our world and on to whatever is next, reflecting on a moment, or perhaps moments in time that will be chronicled forever in the metaphorical tape. The minute before death that feels like an eternity, memories of loved ones and better times.

I was going through some really tough stuff recently, and during what could have been my lowest point I cleared my head for a moment and decided to focus the cacophonous energy that was consuming me into something productive. I left work early with a mission, came home and spent hours trying to master the relatively simple melody that makes up this lovely piece of music.

Like everything I have done, or likely will ever do, I fully intend to come back to it at some point to add more, improve on some things here and there. But, like the state I was in when I recorded it, it is a flawed, fragile piece of emotion. Certainly hope it sounds ok.

Here is Videotape by Radiohead

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